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M&P 40c download premium version original top rating star
M&P 40c
Shooting and showing the Smith & Wesson M & P 40c, which mean the .40 caliber Compact model of the M&P. 16:29.
The crack / split in the slide rail that appears at 5:50 just was not there when I bought the gun. I carefully cleaned and lubed the rails with a Q-tip at least three times before this video, once after shooting a magazine of ammo through it, and a couple of more times to make sure it was truly a well-lubed Ballistol gun now. I think the crack / split occurred or was finalized with the few rounds I fired just prior to filming and during the first shots in this video. I would have definitely noticed this split if it had been there. So would have Paul (ClearTwistedCross). He feels really bad about this, but for no reason. It would take an IQ under about 35 to knowingly sell me a defective gun that I'm anxious to get for videos. :-) He was glad to help me out and had no knowledge the slide rail was about to break on me. Who'd guess that! It broke on MY watch, just as a gun I might sell to somebody could break. That would not be MY fault. We'll see if Smith makes it good; I'll let you all know how it goes. You can see a better pic of the crack on my Facebook page if you click on my profile link.
Also, the small sound glitch at 16:29 is due to the fact that Windows will not upload one single file from the camera if it's over 1.97 gigs in HD. It splits it into two clips, and they don't fuse perfectly.
S&W did make good on the cracked slide, as most of you know now.
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(Note: These descriptions were last updated on 9-18-19).
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M&P 40c
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