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Illustration Techniques with Kathie Shoemaker: Gouache download premium version original top rating star
Illustration Techniques with Kathie Shoemaker: Gouache
This video is part of the instructional video series "Illustration Techniques with Kathie Shoemaker" In these videos, Kathie explores the history, theories, and creative process of using various illustration techniques, such as watercolour, paper cutting, and gouache. These informative videos are used in the online course "Teaching with Illustrated Materials, K-12: From Picture Books to Information Texts” that Kathie teaches at the University of British Columbia.
Kathryn is the illustrator of over forty books for children and the author of four books for teachers. She has broad experience as an art teacher, curriculum specialist, filmmaker, and as an exhibit/display/event designer.
R. David Stephens’s “My Animal Friends” illustrated by Kathryn Shoemaker and published by Tradewinds Books is available via Amazon
Music: "Colorful Spots" by Nicolai Heidlas
Illustration Techniques with Kathie Shoemaker: Gouache
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