Seputar Ruqyah : Highly Interactive Mobile Apps with RAP download premium version original top rating star
Judul Ruqyah : Highly Interactive Mobile Apps with RAP download premium version original top rating star
Highly Interactive Mobile Apps with RAP download premium version original top rating star
Highly Interactive Mobile Apps with RAP
Smartphones and Tablets have become ubiquitous. The competitiveness of the market is a win for consumers but a nightmare for developers. To write an application targeted for multiple devices, developers will be faced with an array of platforms and programming languages. Several years ago a similar problem was solved by Eclipse RAP when it enabled developers to write desktop and web applications using the same code base. Wouldn't it be great to use the same code for native mobile apps, too?
In this session we will show you how to serve multiple mobile platforms natively while writing the code only once using Java and SWT. We'll use well-known Eclipse technologies and explain RAP's distributed architecture in detail. Also we'll show two alternative client implementations for iOS and Android with a highly interactive demo application.
Mobile apps
Highly Interactive Mobile Apps with RAP
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