Seputar Ruqyah : IMC, MANUU_National Urdu Social Science Congress-2018 _Valedictory Session_Part-2 download premium version original top rating star
Judul Ruqyah : IMC, MANUU_National Urdu Social Science Congress-2018 _Valedictory Session_Part-2 download premium version original top rating star
IMC, MANUU_National Urdu Social Science Congress-2018 _Valedictory Session_Part-2 download premium version original top rating star
IMC, MANUU_National Urdu Social Science Congress-2018 _Valedictory Session_Part-2
#IMCMANUU, #eLearning, #DistanceEducation, #UrduLanguage
#MHRD #UGC #JNU #AMU #DU #JMI #OU #HCU #IFLU #BRAOU #IITKanpur #SWAYAM #Swayamprabha #IITDelhi #BU #JNTUHyderabad #ANU
Instructional Media Centre (IMC) is an initiative of MANUU, Hyderabad to bring education to your doorstep. Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) is a Central University established at National Level in 1998 by an act of Parliament to promote and develop the Urdu language and to impart vocational and technical education in Urdu medium through conventional and distance modes.
To develop the media components as part of the media-mix of the Distance Education offerings, MANUU has established a full-fledged ‘Instructional Media Centre (IMC) on its campus. IMC primarily serves the distance education needs of the University and Instructional Media Centre, MANUU Youtube channel is an initiative to provide the wider access of Higher Education to the un-reached, people desirous of pursuing programmes of higher education and training in Urdu medium through Distance modes.
Instructional papers
IMC, MANUU_National Urdu Social Science Congress-2018 _Valedictory Session_Part-2
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