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3 Simple Steps to Marketing Your Mobile App | Get More Exposure and Installs! download premium version original top rating star
3 Simple Steps to Marketing Your Mobile App | Get More Exposure and Installs!
Launching a new mobile app? Here are 3 simple steps to marketing getting more downloads and installs.
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Marketing a website's easy. You do some SEO, and you do some content marketing, maybe even some social media marketing, and boom, you're popular. But what happens if you have a mobile app? How do you market it?
Well, first off, if you have a mobile app, great.
You can start marketing it, and I'll show you how. But if you don't have a mobile app and you're just thinking about making one, and you're curious on how to market it, well, first start off with BuildFire. BuildFire is a quick and easy way where you can build an app without being a developer, and it doesn't cost an arm and a leg. So now that we got that out of the way, hopefully, you have a mobile app by now.
The first thing you want to do when it comes to marketing your app is generate press. If you're too lazy and you don't want to generate press on your own, go check out David's slow.
It's founded by a guy named Chris Barrett. And Chris Barrett does performance-based press in which, when you get press, you pay. If he doesn't get you press, you shouldn't pay.
Funny enough, that's how all PR should be. I don't know why these companies are trying to charge $10,000, $20,000 monthly retainers when they're not guaranteeing any press.
All right, so you can use a service or a company like PRServe. If you want to do it on your own, go check out who's covering apps within your space.
If you have a beauty app, then, all right, go check out all the beauty bloggers. Give them the app for free. And don't just give it to them for free when everyone else is getting it for free, but you want to give it to them before you launch it to the public. By giving them early access, they're going to be like, "Oh my God, I love you, Neil. "This app's amazing." And then they're going to cover it; they're going to feel special.
And then when everyone starts covering it, then you're going to get some awesome press and some signups.
Number two, what you want to do is get coverage in the blogosphere. It could just be someone talking about marketing, assuming you have a marketing app, and they include you within that blog spot. So what I do is I go reach out to all the bloggers who have already written articles that are related to my app.
The third thing you want to do, and I hate to say this, spend money on advertising. You can get a ton of traffic from Facebook ads for your app installs. You can also go to other people out there who already have apps and buy ad space from them. You probably have some games on your phone.
What do you see when you're playing these games? Every once in awhile it'll be like, pause, ad break, and there'll be an ad for another app.
That's when you can get your app in there. It's dirt cheap. You can do this in quantity, and that'll also help you drive a lot of installs. Follow those three things, you'll get a lot more app installs, and you'll be popular, and hopefully, your app monetizes so that way you can make money.
Once you have people in your app, then you can start doing like the virality, in which you can do invite flows, give people bonuses and points for sharing, rating, be reviewing your app, which will all help with more installs in the long run. But if you have no one coming into your app, those viral loops won't work.
Mobile apps
3 Simple Steps to Marketing Your Mobile App | Get More Exposure and Installs!
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