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Twitch Desktop APP Features - Discord Killer? download premium version original top rating star
Twitch Desktop APP Features - Discord Killer?
“Twitch Desktop APP Features – Discord Killer?” aims to take a look at the features of the Twitch desktop app and in detail so the viewer can decide if it has the potential to dethrone Discord as the current videogame communication community. The video demonstrates that the Twitch app offers a significantly different feature set than Discord does since it still revolves heavily around streamers and broadcasting as a whole, but it also has many similar features that could draw dedicated Twitch users to the desktop app if enough partnered streamers back it. I decided to take the plunge and try out the Twitch Desktop app for myself since I know that Twitch had promised the presence of powerful tools for streamers to grow their communities and streamline broadcasting. My hope was to have a much more customizable dashboard, StreamLabs integration, and a heavy focus on community building.
So, first thing I want to talk about regarding this “Twitch Desktop APP Features – Discord Killer?” shit is whether or not they met MY expectations of the desktop application or not. Truthfully, not at all. There isn’t even a dashboard in the Twitch desktop app, it instead just opens up Chrome and takes you to your dashboard there. Pretty crappy. StreamLabs is probably a long shot to ever expect, but if they want people to make the jump then they are going to have to allow third-parties to fiddle with the API the same way they did on browser, because many people, including myself won’t jump ship without Better Twitch TV. StreamLabs integration would be great so that I could have my chat, stream stats, tips, and follows all in the same spot rather than having OBS, Twitch Dashboard, and StreamLabs all stacked on top of each other. It usually all gets fucked up as soon as I open a game, which is triggering. Lastly, the community building aspect only seems to be effective if you already have a community. It gives a place to interact on a more personal level and create a space for all of your viewers to grow closer as well. Sadly, this doesn’t help with BUILDING a Twitch community, so it is still a bit of a rich-get-richer economy overall. I don’t mind it as long as I am having fun streaming though, which up to this point I still am.
PS: Follow me on Twitch here whether you have the desktop app or not:
Shit makes me happy.
Now that I have talked a bit about stuff I didn’t mention in the Twitch Desptop APP Features- Discord Killer? video I can just sort of summarize the shit I did talk about so that weirdos who like to read have something to peruse, here’s looking at you shits. Twitch didn’t change a whole lot in the desktop app compared to the browser page. The main page UI is identical almost with the exception of a few additional buttons that do stuff. What kind of stuff you ask? Well, there is a Library button that shows you all games you have redeemed for free via Twitch Prime as well as any games you might buy from Amazon. Just what we need… another DRM. I guess I can’t bitch too much since I get the games as part of my Amazon/Twitch Prime subscription, but I would much rather just get them through Steam. Twitch also paired up with Curse and now all of your Add-ons for the MMOs you never fucking play are managed through the Twitch Desktop APP! YAY. Also, Minecraft. I guess the mods for that are handled there as well for some reason. Shame they don’t support the real man’s game: Roblox.
In all seriousness, I made this because I know that there are a lot of people who use Discord and are wondering about the whole matter of whether or not the Twitch desktop app is the Discord killer. I have never used it, so I also want people who know more about Discord to come and weigh in so that I know if this app is likely to take off or not. Just from my personal point of view, I feel like the whole Discord vs Twitch app thing is going to end up being reminiscent of the whole Steam vs Origin or Steam vs Uplay spiel. Put simply, I think that the Twitch Desktop app will be used as a necessary evil, depending on whether or not it gets a lot more cool features. If not, then I am sure everyone will stick with Discord, Mumble, Teamspeak, you name it instead and then use Twitch if they really want to play a game they got through Twitch Prime. Anyway, let me know your thoughts on all of this. Do you think the Twitch desktop app will kill Discord or do you think the concern is over nothing? For those of you who have used the Twitch desktop app, what do you think?
Love you,
Desktop apps
Twitch Desktop APP Features - Discord Killer?
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