Seputar Ruqyah : Fun and easy Children's Inchworm art project, Letter I activity download premium version original top rating star
Judul Ruqyah : Fun and easy Children's Inchworm art project, Letter I activity download premium version original top rating star
Fun and easy Children's Inchworm art project, Letter I activity download premium version original top rating star
Fun and easy Children's Inchworm art project, Letter I activity
My daughters show how to create the Inchworm project. We have worked on the letter I this week and an inchworm is what the animal is in zoo phonics. The girls had fun cutting and creating with the paint using a fork!
Green and white paper
Green paint
Plastic Fork
Make sure to discuss the following while working on the project:
What sound does I make?
Perform the I for Zoo phonics
Count how many inchworms you have created
Count to ten holding down the ends of the paper you are gluing
Color combining what two colors make green?
See the project at,
Make sure to also check out my reading lesson, focusing on the short sound of I.
Happy Reading!
Children’s activities
Fun and easy Children's Inchworm art project, Letter I activity
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