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Parallels Desktop 14 Review | Performance, Windows Gaming & MacOS Mojave download premium version original top rating star
Parallels Desktop 14 Review | Performance, Windows Gaming & MacOS Mojave
Virtual machines allow you to simulate other computers, so you can run Windows, Linux, or MacOS on top of your Mac.
Parallels Desktop:
2016 13" MacBook Pro, 3.3GHz i7, 16GB RAM.
This on paper allows you to run Windows apps, games and try out the latest MacOS betas like Mojave without it affecting your current computer.
The disadvantages of doing this is that not all apps and games run at their full speed, but the advantages are that you can quickly jump in and out of say Windows apps and games without going through the hassle of installing Windows via bootcamp and having to restart your machine everytime you want to do something on the other OS.
In this review we're going to be walking you through the improvements made to Parallels Desktop in version 14 to let you know if it's a worthwhile buy if you've already got an older version and to also show you some of the things you can do if you're new to the whole world of virtual machines.
As always setup is pretty simple, just download the installer from their website, double click, type in your admin password and you'll be up and running in no time.
If you have any existing virtual machines, I always recommend installing the latest versions of Parallels Tools.
Personally I was didn't experience any improvements to the size of my VM, but I perhaps I had an already optimized system going in and your milage may vary, and for all you Parallels Desktop 12 users out there like me, I actually managed to get Parallels Desktop 12 running fine on the Mojave Beta, though you won't be able to create a Mojave Beta virtual machine with it, for that you'll need the newer version.
While there is a new control centre, I personally didn't find any changes to the menu system since v13 other than the new Share smart card readers option in USB & Bluetooth.
Launching v14 was 3 times faster. (8:20 to 2:19)
Launching a Windows 10 virtual machine was 30% faster.
Launching a 3D model in 3D studio max was 2 seconds slower.
Using 3D Studio max felt the same, but resources Activity Monitor reported v14 using 50 energy points while v13 used 150.
Both Geekbench and Cinebench yielded higher scores with Geekbench going from 3300 to 3500 single core and 6100 to 6450 multicore, and Cinebench going from 36.5 fps to 40.35fps.
When I ran a destroyer of worlds version of the test with Cinebench running on the Windows VM and natively on MacOS, I found that the Cinebench scores actually went down.
However, note that I am running the launch version of Parallels Desktop 14, so I can imagine that there will be perhaps there's a bit more fine tuning to be done in future updates.
Unfortunately no improvements have been made in DirectX support, so you won't be able to run any of the latest DirectX 12 games, but that doesn't mean that games won't run any faster. As you can see here the frame rate improvements tested earlier in Cinebench followed on in Sonic All Star Racing.
Something also to bear in mind is that support for bluetooth controllers still didn't quite work, hopefully this will be fixed in future, but for now you can always plug them in via USB.
One cool feature I wanted to finish up with is support for running MacOS as a Virtual Machine.
Setting up is simple you just either select the installer you grabbed from the beta website or via the App Store, or even actually use the one found on your hard drives recovery partition.
It's simple and really cool watch.
Once it's setup there you go, you've got MacOS running, within MacOS. This is really useful if say you want to try out a new mac app you're not 100% on, you can quickly test it out on your VM knowing that if it's bad it won't damage your real MacOS.
Or just as an excuse to try out the new MacOS beta.
One thing to note is that why the OS itself runs pretty smooth you can see pretty high scores on geekbench, one thing I couldn't do is access the GPU which caused apps like Cinebench to just hang.
Alright, and that is it, overall, yes it's a little faster, it won't get you any new games running, but if you want the best support for Mojave or are new to the world of virtual machines then it's definitely worth getting.
Parallels Desktop:
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Parallels Desktop 14 Review | Performance, Windows Gaming & MacOS Mojave
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