Seputar Ruqyah : How To: Dye Your Hair With Kool Aid | LadyLuckTutorials download premium version original top rating star
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How To: Dye Your Hair With Kool Aid | LadyLuckTutorials download premium version original top rating star
How To: Dye Your Hair With Kool Aid | LadyLuckTutorials
HOW TO: DYE YOUR HAIR WITH KOOL-AID. You'll need some conditioner and a pack of kool aid. And that's it! Leave it on for a few hours and voila! You have colored hair! Please keep in mind I used a hair extension so it was easy to keep it from my other hair, but if your only going to do strips of hair, make sure to use something to separate it from the rest of your hair because it will transfer! Also, KIDDOS.. Please ask your Ma & Pa first before doing this. I don't need no Mama's wanting to kick my butt cuz their kid has green apple hair!!! lolol Okay, See ya later Alligators!!
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How To: Dye Your Hair With Kool Aid | LadyLuckTutorials
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