Seputar Ruqyah : 10 Reasons You Shouldn't Trust Photos On Social Media download premium version original top rating star
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10 Reasons You Shouldn't Trust Photos On Social Media download premium version original top rating star
10 Reasons You Shouldn't Trust Photos On Social Media
10 Times people were caught lying on the Internet.
When you see pictures of your friends on social media like Facebook and Instagram, you might think that they are living a more beautiful life than you. But you would be wrong. It turns out that the photographers probably just used their imagination to turn a normal picture into something wonderful. This is why, today, we are showing you 10 Reasons You Shouldn’t Trust Photos on Social Media.
You have probably seen people dangerously standing by the edge of a cliff to post a photo on social media. Did they really risk their lives just for likes on Instagram? A tourist shared a picture to show us what they were really doing. The cliff was actually not that high, and the background was what made it look so impressive. But just wait until you see what people do with their backgrounds!
You might think that your friends have to travel the world to take the most beautiful pictures. But you will be surprised to learn that you can actually go to France in less than a second in the comfort of your home. A girl just used a printer to create a beautiful background, and the result looks really beautiful. But you will have to watch our video if you want to see it.
Stay tuned to hear more about how photographers create the perfect photos with special effects, Photoshop, spitting on people, using toys, posing in a weird position, and more. Did you ever use any special trick to take a picture and post it on social media? Don’t be shy to tell us what you did in the comments section down below. We love to know what you think!
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10 Reasons You Shouldn't Trust Photos On Social Media
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