Seputar Ruqyah : Wreath Logo Design | In Illustrator cc | Hindi / Urdu download premium version original top rating star
Judul Ruqyah : Wreath Logo Design | In Illustrator cc | Hindi / Urdu download premium version original top rating star
Wreath Logo Design | In Illustrator cc | Hindi / Urdu download premium version original top rating star
Wreath Logo Design | In Illustrator cc | Hindi / Urdu
Wreath logo design tutorial in hindi urdu
Hello friends this is a graphic design tutorial in illustrator cc . It’s one of the best logo design tutorials so far. You’ll start with some basic tools and simple shapes. In this tutorial we will learn how to create wreath logo design using Adobe illustrator cc . We will use rectangle and elips tool to create this logo and apply some cool affects. you will go from the reception of a design brief through to finishing the project and delivering the final products to the client.
After watching this tutorial you Will be able to create your own designs such us logo design | sample logo design | 3d logo design | modern logo design | web banner design | info graphic design | banner design
Web banner design
Ad banner design
Design a banner
Website banner
Photoshop tutorial in hindi
Photoshop tutorials in urdu
illustrator tutorials in hindi urdu
Cool banner design
Designing banner
Banner for web
YouTube banner
Banner for YouTube
professional logo design
cool logo design
Hindi urdu tutorials
urdu hindi tutorials
Wreath logo design
Wreath in illustrator
in both illustrator and Photoshop
Enjoy the tutorial.
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Wreath Logo Design | In Illustrator cc | Hindi / Urdu
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