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Why You Need To Update Your Multi-Currency Ebook Pricing download premium version original top rating star
Why You Need To Update Your Multi-Currency Ebook Pricing
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Do you want to sell more books in different countries in the world?
If yes, then you need to understand multi-currency pricing.
I've now SOLD books in 86 countries, and I am passionate about helping authors sell in other territories. In this video, I cover:
- What is multi-currency pricing?
- Why does this matter if you want to sell in different countries?
- Why rounding issues matter for reader perception
- Different countries have different 'normal' prices so if you want to sell there, don't make your book 5x the price of other books in the genre e.g. is a growing market, but if you check your book there, you might find it's way too expensive so you will never sell there.
- How to check your book's price in different currencies
TL:DR: When you publish, make sure to update the prices by store or by country, which is available in most of the platforms. Don’t leave it with auto-calculation. In this way, you will sell more internationally.
For more on pricing, check out How to Market a Book, available in ebook, print and audiobook formats on all the usual platforms:
Why You Need To Update Your Multi-Currency Ebook Pricing
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