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Inventory 5.2 Update + Does Your Paperwork + Session Notes Template download premium version original top rating star
Inventory 5.2 Update + Does Your Paperwork + Session Notes Template
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It has been 5 years since I did the initial video on the O&M Inventory, which was a ‘how to’. I’m doing this video from a script but I’ll try to fight the temptation to read it in monotone. I will paste the script into the video description below. The how to video from 5 years ago was followed by a video on how to use the O&M Inventory to dispatch special education paperwork. Since those videos were created, the O&M Inventory has seen several revisions. Among the improvements are features that handle much of the special ed paperwork for the user. This seemed a good time to consolidate the videos and tighten up the content to convey the information in a shorter amount of time. Everything discussed in this video is free and can be found on the NMSBVI website under the Resources tab. Here are the downloads for the O&M Inventory, (M)Inventory and B-6 O&M Inventory. Down a little farther on the page you’ll find the Session Notes template, which I’ll get to later in the video. If you’re new to the O&M Inventory it is an ongoing assessment tool that seeks to cover the breadth and depth of the content that constitutes Orientation & Mobility. It is designed for ages 6 and up and primarily for students who don’t have significant cognitive issues. For students with multiple impairments, consider using the O&M (M)Inventory. For students under age 6, consider using the B-6 O&M Inventory. Each provide you 12 assessment periods so you can see growth over time as well as across all of the domains. In this video I will be showing the O&M Inventory and the same concepts apply to the B-6 O&M Inventory and (M)Inventory. When you open the Inventory, you are on the Front Page. This is one that I’ve been using with a student for several assessment periods so you can see one with some data entered. You will see that in this cell – A1 – you type the student’s name. You then enter the dates of your assessment periods in cells B1 through M1. These dates carry through the Excel workbook so you’ll find them at the tops of the corresponding columns on the domain pages, a change that keeps you from having to enter the same data over and over. Back on the Front Page over in column A you can see the 15 domains. In row 18 you see the total scores. You can enter a goal percentage in row 19 and it will calculate the Progress to Goal in row 20. The front page gives you an overview of how the student is doing, which domains the student is doing well with and which need to be addressed, and IEP goal information all at a glance. The numbers in the blue and yellow columns come from the domain pages. There are three ways to get to those domain pages. The first is to use the tabs at the bottom of the screen. If you want to go to the Cane Skills page, for example, click on the tab down here and you go to that page. The second way to get to a domain page is to use the hyperlink. If you want to go to Street Crossings, for example, you can click on the link in cell A11 where it reads Street Crossings. Be aware that if you use the hyperlink it will take you to cell A1 on that page while if you use the tabs at the bottom you’ll jump to the part of the page that you last entered data and hit save. This may matter to you when you’re entering scores in the 2nd data set – which are the last 6 columns on the Front Page – as using the hyperlink means you have to scroll all the way down. The 3rd way is to use control and page down or page up keys together and it will cycle through the domain pages. Entering data is easy and is done in the white areas under the Input Data header. You look at the area, say Upper Hand Protective Technique, and then look at each of the skills. The rating scale is on every page and is intuitive. 0 = Student not capable of demonstrating skill or does not need skill. If a student has no vision then the Vision Specific skills are all going to be zeroes. The same is true for many or all of the Cane Skills items for a student who has a lot of stable vision. Zeroes do not count against the score. 1 = Student does not demonstrate skill but may/will learn skill. I put a 1 whenever I haven’t seen a student demonstrate a skill that I believe the student can learn. 2 = Student only demonstrates skill with verbal and/or physical prompting. This is the score for a skill that you’ve introduced but that the student doesn’t yet demonstrate without direct instruction. Maybe you’ve gone through ascending/descending stairs once or twice but the student needs to be reminded of each step every time. 3 = Student sometimes demonstrates skill without verbal and/or physical prompting. Now we’re getting beyond the instructional phase. I put a 3 when the student is demonstrating the skill some of the time. Going back to the stairs, the student can sometimes remember the steps but not consistently.
Instructional papers
Inventory 5.2 Update + Does Your Paperwork + Session Notes Template
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