Seputar Ruqyah : How To Write And Publish Kindle Ebooks That Make Money Part 7 - Publish Using Amazon KDP download premium version original top rating star
Judul Ruqyah : How To Write And Publish Kindle Ebooks That Make Money Part 7 - Publish Using Amazon KDP download premium version original top rating star
How To Write And Publish Kindle Ebooks That Make Money Part 7 - Publish Using Amazon KDP download premium version original top rating star
How To Write And Publish Kindle Ebooks That Make Money Part 7 - Publish Using Amazon KDP
[ad_1] - The next step in publishing your kindle book is uploading it using the KDP platform. This video will explain how to upload your book. but also some important steps you should take to gain the most exposure and using these powerful Amazon tools.
You want to start your books at .99 to receive some initial sales and start getting some reviews. Then you will want to use the FREE promo tools inside KDP. You will run a 3 day promo where you give the book away to receive downloads and drive your book up in the rankings. Then after this period, you will receive sales at the .99 cent point and drive your ranking up in the paid search.
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How To Write And Publish Kindle Ebooks That Make Money Part 7 - Publish Using Amazon KDP
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