Seputar Ruqyah : Windows 10 And 8.1 Setup Remote Desktop Tutorial Video download premium version original top rating star
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Windows 10 And 8.1 Setup Remote Desktop Tutorial Video download premium version original top rating star
Windows 10 And 8.1 Setup Remote Desktop Tutorial Video
It is often necessary to have a remote session where one runs Windows 10
on a remote computer. Within such a session the computer is fully
controlled by the user that has a user account and password on that
computer. Examples of such use may be when one needs to access files
from another location, or to run applications remotely or even to
troubleshoot issues from another location. Windows 10 provides the
remote desktop service that allows users to log into the computer from
other locations. It takes a short time to setup and it is done over an
encrypted and secure connection. The following video tutorial shows you
how to set it up and also how to remote into an enabled computer.
For more visit and
Transcript (machine generated so it contains errors)
Hello today will have a quick look at how to set up Remote Desktop
access on windows 10 the same applies to windows 8.1 and also seven and
also in windows server. Okay, so we want. Basically another computer
somewhere else to be able to log into our computer and the user's
computer, so we need to get to the system's properties. How do we get to
that we basically here and type in remote and allow remote access to
your computer is about bandits allow remote access to your computer
without okay, now we need to take this normally by default it will come
out by this don't allow remote connections to your computer. Okay, so
we're now. Click allow remote connections will keep this is a little bit
more secure, while click okay. I know a few other things that we need to
do sometimes we deliver services dart.MSc and click on services okay
over here will find two services Remote Desktop that we need to have
active that are running, so it's basically remote access connection
manager and remote access to play manager. We can also start the okay to
basically overhear all the Remote Desktop services and to be running you
can basically set up as automatic or you can set them up as manual or
disabled. But for this we need down okay. Another thing we need to do is
in the firewall basically ensure that we allow the Remote Desktop
service to have access okay, so it's over there. We've already enabled
for public access okay if you need to you, click on change settings and
then you basically, click change settings over there and then you turn
it on okay with done that so we don't when you press okay benefit okay.
So how do we connect up to this desktop. Basically we need to find IP
and by doing this we just type IPConfig and are IP addresses over their
okay. We now need to go into another computer, which is over here and
then we type in that address since 192.16 a client for 3.163 and
instantly, you'll get our prompt for the username and password okay for
us sets a very simple one. Kay has only a have and others say he
certificate do you want to accept it. You can make it always click on
that okay. Click yes and then we are basically promoting it. Okay, so
now exactly what we had in our windows 10 desktop is exactly appearing
on the remote computer and you can control it. You can type then you can
do whatever you would normally do to a PC while sitting in front of it.
However, one thing that does it. You mentioned is what's the service
back to our the desktop, let's minimise that okay if we see over here
are just has gone all black screens on black hole here. Basically it
takes over the access and what you are using. You cannot have access to
82 people cannot be using at the centre. Otherwise, you have fights for
the mouse and keyboard, et cetera Hope you enjoy watching this. Thank
you very much
Desktop software
Windows 10 And 8.1 Setup Remote Desktop Tutorial Video
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