Seputar Ruqyah : Voice and Vision: An Invitation to TSLAC's Audiovisual Resources download premium version original top rating star
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Voice and Vision: An Invitation to TSLAC's Audiovisual Resources download premium version original top rating star
Voice and Vision: An Invitation to TSLAC's Audiovisual Resources
As you may know, the Texas State Library and Archives Commission is home to the State Archives, which preserves the records of the government of Texas going back as far as the 18th century.
Researchers are often delighted to learn that we also have a wealth of other historical materials, like personal and family papers, business and organizational records, and an entire collection of artifacts.
Our collections include recordings, film and photographs that provide a different angle to primary source research.
We’ve compiled a sampling of some of the sights and sounds of the past the State Archives has preserved and makes available online and in our reading rooms.
Browse our finding aids here:
Browse the TDA at:
For a full list of archival resources in this video, visit:
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Based in Austin, Texas, the Texas State Library and Archives Commission strives to preserve yesterday, inform today and inspire tomorrow. Visit us online:
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Voice and Vision: An Invitation to TSLAC's Audiovisual Resources
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