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Sensory Processing Disorder: Occupational Therapy Demonstration download premium version original top rating star
Sensory Processing Disorder: Occupational Therapy Demonstration
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago offers a comprehensive, state-of-the-art Occupational Therapy Program with a vibrant developmental approach. Our skilled and versatile occupational therapy team specializes in the evaluation and treatment of children from premature babies to teenagers with health challenges in the following areas:
- Fine motor skills involving small muscle movements, use of fingers, and coordination with the eyes and hand movement together.
- Visual perceptual motor skills involving the coordination of the two sides of the body, hearing, seeing, feeling and moving to perform novel functional and motor tasks.
- Integrating previously experienced information with new learning.
- Sensorimotor skills involve incorporating information received from body senses and the environment to carry out appropriate movement skills required for functional living skills, following directions and social skills.
- Social interactions and play skills relating to the use of fine motor, perceptual motor and sensory motor skills while at home and in the community.
- Upper extremity ability involving the use of shoulders, arms, hands and shoulder girdle for age-appropriate skills and activities.
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Sensory Processing Disorder: Occupational Therapy Demonstration
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