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Goodness Of God Illustrations | Genesis 39 download premium version original top rating star
Goodness Of God Illustrations | Genesis 39
Goodness Of God Illustrations | Genesis 39
Pastor Holland begins to unpack the life of Joseph, which demonstrates God's goodness is above lifes difficulties
• From Genesis 1 to 36, we’ve been studying the origins of some of the most prominent beliefs that we hold as followers of Jesus
• But in Genesis 37 there is a dramatic shift in the narrative
• From Chapter 37 to the end of Genesis the focus moves away from Abraham, Issac and Jacob towards Joseph
• There are two stories that run parallel with each other
• The first is how God uses Joseph to deliver Israel from death from starvation and to prosper Israel during a time of famine by putting him in a place of authority so he can guarantee the safety of his family
• Joseph is a type of Jesus Christ who is in a position of authority to guarantee our safety even though we live in a foreign land that does not honor God or His ways
• The second story is a story of overcoming betrayal and giving forgiveness to those who sought to bring Joseph harm... namely his family
• The pinnacle moment is when Joseph faces those who sought to do him harm and says... what you meant for evil, God meant for good
• And it’s from this moment that we derive the title for our Book Series that will take us to the end of Genesis... Living The Good Life
That really is the basis for living the Good Life
• It comes down to a decision that each of us must make
• You can choose to see what is meant for evil or you can choose to see what is meant for good
Paul in writing to the Romans said... Romans 8:28–30 (NKJV) 28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. 29 For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. 30 Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.
• Every crisis, every victory, every heartache, every joy, failures, defeats, successes are all working together, working synergistically to bring out what is good, what is the finest quality, what is excellent in you and I
• God doesn’t put us through hardships to make us grow
___________________________________________________ ORIGINS
GOVERNED BY GOD © 2019 Holland Davis
• There are those who believe that... they blame God for their troubles
• Because they blame God for their troubles it’s hard for them to go to God for help because they think He’s the cause of everything
• God is not the author of our problems... He is the solution
• The cause of our problems is the world system, demonic powers or people who are in rebellion against God (and this includes you and I)
• Thus God is not the cause of our problems
• But God foreknows... He knows what we’re going to go through because He knows everything about your life, the end from the beginning
• Because He knows what you’re going to go through He predestines you as you go through these hardships to be conformed into the image of His Son... to become like Jesus
• The word predestined is a nautical term and it means to be horizoned
• It’s like being in the middle of the ocean and everywhere you look you see the horizon in the distance but you are surrounded by water
• That’s what it means to be predestined... everywhere you look, every circumstance you go through, every step you take God is working to conform you into the image of Jesus
Thus you have a choice to make
• You can look at it and call it evil and see how everyone is just out to make your life miserable OR
• You can see the hand of God working to “glorify” you
• What does Paul mean when he says God is glorifying us?
• The word “glorified” is the Greek word doxa and it means to esteem one’s character, nature or attribute
• What God does is he conforms us into the image of Jesus by synergistically working through every good and bad thing we experience and then He steps back and says... look at how beautiful you are
• You are my poema, my workmanship, my masterpiece
• Look at what I’ve done in you and look at what I can do through you
• That is why we can’t be bitter against the people who have offended us
• We can’t be bitter about the problems we’re dealing with
• Because that person who is out to get you without knowing it God is using them to bless you
• But if you curse them, then you lower yourself to their level and then God can use you without you knowing it to bless them
10AM Sunday Church San Clemente
Bible Teaching Service at Vista Del Mar School at
1130 Avenida Talega, San Clemente, CA 92673
Goodness Of God Illustrations | Genesis 39
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